> On Jul 22, 2014, at 16:19, Rainer Duffner <rai...@ultra-secure.de> wrote:
>> Am 22.07.2014 um 21:29 schrieb Nickolai Leschov <nlesc...@gmail.com>:
>> The difference is not $200, but about $100 with 8GB Sandisk Extreme Secure 
>> [sic!] SDHC card included.
>> 1. What's secure about this card? I suppose it's a regular SDHC one.
>> 2. I would like to pay less, but I'm worried about assembling it right with 
>> regards to cooling. Can anyone clarify how is cooling achieved in this unit?
> http://pcengines.ch/apu.htm
> "Cooling:     Conductive cooling from the CPU and south bridge to the 
> enclosure using a 3 mm alu heat spreader.“
> If assembly is similar to that of ALIX-boards, it’s not difficult.

Except for the heat spreader, and issues related to the sd cards falling out, 
it's exactly like an Alix. 

Which is to say, the similarities are easy to spot. 

Putting the spreader in place correctly, on the first attempt is in question. 

> How much is your time worth?

This is the question. 
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