On 18/9/14 8:13 pm, Nick Upson wrote:
We have a new /27 range to go with this new installation and here is the
problem, external ping/connectivity to the new IPs doesn't work except one
the .225 address, it seems the firebrick requires ARP in order to route
them. I have setup several different Virtual IPs (tried different types,
individually and as a range) and they don't work, the firebrick ARP table
only contains the .255 with a MAC address, the rest don't have one and so
are not used (I'm told).

In my experience (and one of our clients had a similar setup a couple of years back before they got FTTC), you want a Proxy ARP entry on your pfSense VIP page for the whole IP range, so assuming the subnet you've been given is a.b.c.224/27, just create a corresponding VIP rule.

Here's one of mine for a much smaller range:
a.b.c.176/29    ADSL2   proxy arp

(note the choice of interface - make sure you choose the interface to which you've connected the Firebrick)

As an idle curiosity - is this an AAISP connection you're using? If so, their IRC channel is usually populated with some pretty clueful folks, some of whom run pfSense, so it might also be worth asking on there.

Kind regards,

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