> pfsense openvpn comes up.  the macintosh client's viscosity blob turns
> green and i can ping only very close things.pfsense vm.
>          .--------------------------------.
>          |                                |
>          |      debian libvirt host       +--- 42.666.165.138/26
>          |                                |
>          |   .-----------------------.    |
>          |   |    pfsense guest      +--------- 42.666.165.143/26 WAN
>          |   `----------+------------'    |
>          |              |     |
>          |              |                 |
>          `--------------|-----------------'
>                         |
>                         `-- 
>                         OpenVPN Segment

PiBa's telling me that i could dump the nat by pfctl -sn showed me the
empty nat and led me to find my stupid.

in order to be able to get to the web interface when starting to
configure the system, i had disabled the firewall and nat by checking

   System / Advanced / FirewallNAT / Disable Firewall


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