On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 5:03 AM, Brian Candler <b.cand...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On 25/02/2015 09:07, Brian Candler wrote:
>> How does one prevent the plugin being loaded? I found these:
>> /etc/pfSense_md5.txt:MD5
>> (/usr/local/lib/ipsec/plugins/libstrongswan-unity.so) =
>> 66080ad3f0fd624958e8307492f6488b
>> /etc/installed_filesystem.mtree:    libstrongswan-unity.so \
>> but I can't see code which says which plugins to load. Should I just move
>> it out of the way and restart strongswan?
> In the end I renamed libstrongswan-unity.so to libstrongswan-unity.so.orig
> and restarted. Confirmed that the module wasn't present using "ipsec
> statusall | grep unity"
> It's now just over 3 days later and the tunnel has remained up all that
> time, so I think it's solved the problem, or at least, is a usable
> workaround.

Thanks for the confirmation. We'll change that option so it fully
omits the loading of that plugin rather than just disabling it. That
will make 2.2.1. Your change won't survive the upgrade, but if you
leave the "Disable unity" checkbox checked, it'll be functionally
equivalent post-upgrade.
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