I noticed that after a re-install of 2.2.2 (with sections of config file
from 2.1.5 and several reboots) syslog to remote was not sending any

The settings at
were all correct (Remote Syslog Servers, IP address) and just saving the
page sends syslog data from pfsense to a remote host.

Now there is no syslog data again. Saving the above page as is makes it
flow out again.

I conclude that under some condition(s) pfsense stops sending syslog
data to a remote host. What might those conditions be, and where do I
start looking?

The last line logged is
  ...T02:57:57.142885+12:00 xx syslogd: sendto: Operation not permitted
pfsense has been up since well before that.

TIA, and thanks for fixing that useless syslog format!!


Volker Kuhlmann
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