> On Jul 28, 2015, at 2:50 PM, Moshe Katz <mo...@ymkatz.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Vick Khera <vi...@khera.org 
> <mailto:vi...@khera.org>> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 10:31 PM, Ryan Coleman <ryan.cole...@cwis.biz>
>> wrote:
>>> I have an issue with Qualy’s: They ding my certification because I have
>>> domain.com
>>> <http://domain.com/
>>>> on it and not www.domain.com
>>> <http://www.domain.com/
>>>> (multi-site cert).
>>> That’s not a reason to lower a score on security.
>> The only way I can make sense of your sentence is that they are dinging you
>> for having a certificate that does not match the name of the site you are
>> visiting because one has "www." and the other does not. That seems to be
>> reasonable for them to ding you.
> Vick,
> Qualys *does* take off points if you have a certificate for your "bare"
> domain name without it having "www" as an alternate name.  For example, a
> certificate for 'example.com <http://example.com/>' that doesn't work for 
> 'www.example.com <http://www.example.com/>' is
> penalized, even if it is really only used for 'example.com 
> <http://example.com/>'.
> I believe that the reason they do this is because they assume that people
> always have their sites set up so that www redirects to bare, bare
> redirects to www, or both bare and www show the same content.  While this
> may not always be true, it is an assumption that Qualys and many other
> people make, so it is included in the grade.

Sure but if you try to load www.domain.com <http://www.domain.com/> it sends 
you to the clean domain immediately. I am not testing www.domain.com 
<http://www.domain.com/> - I am testing domain.com <http://domain.com/> and 
there’s no evidence they’re trying to load www.domain.com 
<http://www.domain.com/>, only reading the certificate and seeing it doesn’t 
cover it.
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