On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 8:06 AM, Juan Bernhard <j...@inti.gob.ar> wrote:
> Hi list, first I want to congratulates all pfsense developoers for this
> magnificent piece of software.
> I think I found a simple bug:
> I configuring a pfsense in a single server to replace a cisco 2821 and an
> asa 5520, and at the moment almost everithing is working great.
> But... I'm having troubles with the dhcp relay. I have a 2 real inteface
> configurations, one on the internet side and the other in de inside, with 8
> vlan in there. I cofigured dhcp relay to listen to some vlan interfaces, but
> it also attaches to the lan interface (the one with out vlan tag), having 2
> dhcp responding server on the same collision domain.

At some point ages ago, if you didn't specify the interface where the
target server resides in the list, it wouldn't work. Has nothing to do
with it being a VLAN parent, that's just where your target DHCP server
resides or is reachable. That no longer appears to be necessary. It
won't relay requests out the same interface they came in on, so it
should have no functional difference. Regardless, shouldn't be
specified now.

Ticket, and commit that removes it.

If you could help verify, please replace your /etc/inc/services.inc
file with this:

Then just click Save under Services>DHCP Relay.

I have tested it in VLAN and non-VLAN circumstances, and it works.
Additional confirmation appreciated.
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