> Le 6 oct. 2015 à 01:09, Jon Gerdes <gerd...@blueloop.net> a écrit :
> OVPN can use RADIUS.  So now you need to research wiring TOTP up to
> RADIUS but that will be a lot easier because there will be lots of
> vendors with pre cast offerings and no doubt a slew of free software
> alternatives.  
> If you have Win 2008+ which is pretty likely then that has a lot built
> in already.  Wack a NPS role on a DC and follow one of the howtos on
> the wiki to get RADIUS working with pfSense and OpenVPN and then fold
> in TOTP afterwards.  You also have Free Radius to play with. pfSense
> has a package for that which might be worth looking into.
> Cheers
> Jon

Thanks a lot John. Lots of good ideas here around RADIUS.
I completely overlooked that OpenVPN could use it.
Will investigate all these options.

Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards. Olivier Mascia, integral.be/om

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