On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Edward Holcroft <eholcr...@mkainc.com> wrote:
> Hello list
> I am setting up my second pfSense box, with a view to eventually replacing
> 20 Pelink Balance routers on my network.
> The first one works great and I have IPSec tunnels working between it and
> all the Peplink sites. Now since I am lazy, I was hoping to be able to
> backup the IPSec tunnels on the first one and simply restore it on the
> second and subsequent routers, to save myself some effort. Naturally I
> edited the content of the xml file to match the new router. However, I have
> now noticed that there is an entry for each tunnel called <uniqid> which
> is, well, unique.
> Does this mean I have to create each and every tunnel manually? Or can I
> use the existing backup with that same uniqid on a different router?

That's an identifier that only has to be unique to the system it's
running on, so you can use the same ones on different systems. Just
make sure not to duplicate them on the same system.

> Or is
> there some way to generate uniqid's if that's what it requires?

It's just the output of PHP's uniqid() if you want to generate them.
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