On 07/27/2016 07:47 AM, Luis G. Coralle wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> Someone knows how pfsense considered an alert? They can be customized?
> There is list?

There isn't an official list, but it's not very long. Usually
emergency-level events or events at the very least that require the
attention of an administrator, such as:

* config.xml missing or unreadable
* SSH keys on the firewall changed
* GEOM Mirror drive status changed (e.g. degraded or rebuilt)
* Firewall ruleset failing to load
* XMLRPC communication errors for HA configurations
* RAM too low to properly run pfSense
* Problems with the configuration that were not rejected in previous
versions but are invalid (Alias names consisting of only numbers,
removed features that were deactivated like L7)
* Virtual IP addresses that cannot be applied to interfaces
* DHCP configuration problems that prevent the service from starting

There are a couple others but that's the bulk of them. At the moment
there is not a way to customize the list.

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