On 16/11/2017 10:30, Brian Candler wrote:
Unfortunately in the pfSense (2.4.1) GUI, I can't see a way to configure this.

I would like either:

- an extra setting for "dynamic update zone", which is appended to the nsupdate name - an override for the whole name (i.e. can replace _acme-challenge.www.foo.com with an arbitrary nsupdate target)

Does this sound reasonable?

FYI, I was able to make it work by manually hacking /usr/local/pkg/acme/dnsapi/dns_nsupdate.sh


-  _info "adding ${fulldomain}. 60 in txt \"${txtvalue}\""
+  _info "adding ${fulldomain}.*${NSUPDATE_SUFFIX}* 60 in txt \"${txtvalue}\""

-update add ${fulldomain}. 60 in txt "${txtvalue}"
+update add ${fulldomain}.*${NSUPDATE_SUFFIX}* 60 in txt "${txtvalue}"

-  _info "removing ${fulldomain}. txt"
+  _info "removing ${fulldomain}.*${NSUPDATE_SUFFIX}* txt"

-update delete ${fulldomain}. txt
+update delete ${fulldomain}.*${NSUPDATE_SUFFIX}* txt

Of course, this will probably be overwritten by some future update :-(

In addition, I had to change the generation of the key name in acme_inc.sh, to match the key name on the DNS server, otherwise I got TSIG error "NOTAUTH(BADKEY)".

In my case, the key name on the server is "acme-update", so I changed this line:

file_put_contents("{$nsupdatefileprefix}_acme-challenge.{$nsupdatedomain}.key", "*acme-update* IN KEY {$flags} {$proto} {$key_algo} {$nsupdatekey}\n");

Being able to override the key name via the GUI would also be helpful.



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