----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 1:02 AM
Subject: [REBOL] http server... Re:(9)

> Kat,
> I did some more experimenting.  Here's what's returned by a VERY
> web server (written in PERL):
> HTTP/1.0 404 Object Not Found
> Content-type: text/html
> <BODY><h1>HTTP/1.0 404 Object Not Found</h1></BODY></html>
> This would seem to support my last suggestion that these two lines (at
> least) in a header might be what's necessary.  Of course, you want
> 200 OK", rather than the error code returned in this example :)

  write -c  [ %sockname $+ .htm ] HTTP/1.0 200 OK
        write [ %sockname $+ .htm ] Content-type= text/html

>> print read http://localhost/dctfiles_new/
connecting to: localhost
** User Error: header not correctly parsed.

I also tried :
write [ %sockname $+ .htm ] Content-type: text/html

So people_who_work_at_Rebol , what does Rebol want from the server, and how?


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