Will ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>also I read in the mailing archive someone testing
>>the Mac rebol 68K on a Mac emulator on PC
>>the test was a for x 1'000'000
>>it took 45 secs !!
>>on my 8600 200Mhz PPC it took 5:18 !!

Carl wrote:
>What does the test do?  I hope it is doing a lot
>if it took that long!

The test I ran on the Mac emulator was
  for x 1 1'000'000 1 []

Which doesn't do much but test the speed of :for
The speed you mention came from an emulator with
dynamic recompiling (Executor) that runs faster
than 68k programs do on a PPC (no recompiling).
On an emulator without recompiling (Basilisk II)
I got execution times around 6 minutes.

What are you doing? Are you trying to run Rebol 68k
on a PowerMac? Believe me, use Rebol PPC.


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