I'm new here, although I have been reading the list for a week now.

I use REBOL on my Amiga, together with other programs, to create HTML
pages. As the creation of the pages is completely hand made, I find the
use of scripting to automatize some processes very important. Together
with a macro preprocessor (HSC) I can have really powerful outputs with a
simple "make" command. 

I found REBOL quite intuitive to use, though the documentation is not that
good. It is very hard to try to learn how to do certain things just by
looking at the provided documentation, and the example scripts do not give
enough explanation.

For example, I still do not know what is the use of creating a string of
10000 chars when you use the insert or append commands in the script.

The same when using:
o: make object! block 100
What it is going to do? creating a block of 100 elements?

But apart these small problems, I think there is a more important one
which has to be considered... memory usage.
I have seen that untill I close the shell on my Amiga the memory used by
Rebol is not freed. That is, if I continously test a script that creates
strings, then new memory is allocated for them at every run.
Moreover it may be quite useful to "unset" all the words used in a script
or in the console.

So, what about a "clear" command that frees all the allocated resources
and unsets all the used words automatically, that it, bringing REBOL at
its initial status as if its shell were just opened? 

I'm wrong somewhere here?

Thanks in advance for eventual answer


P.S: Has anyone noticed that trying wrong parsing with the "parse" command
is sometimes going to lock REBOL completely? (no escape or RMB stop it).

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