> Hi Petr,
> how are things going?

Things are going well here. We just started development of own CCD astronomy
camera, and it's fun ...
As for REBOL, waiting for /Command and Apache module, and curious about future
and REBOL asyncrhonous messages, messages based tasking, more protocols (IMAP,
SSL ...), LDAP, more REBOL modularity, event handling with /Media, /Browse,
compiler, etc ... you see? So much to do, but if done right, the future is ours

> >Maybe calling REBOL a functional language is not as uncommon, as is your
> >hidden name,  "a142808", hmm? ;-)
> In all fairness, John did previously sing off with his full name: John
> Curtis. My guess is that SELMA is stripping off his name (like it does my
> name. Usually my email messages identify me is "Elan" in the "from:" header).

Ah, I noticed it's some 2:10 ratio in regards to John's emails. Some of them are
not subscribed. Some has John, one has John Curtis, and one even John a142808 in

> No reason to get nervous. Sit back, relax and enjoy.

:-)) Before sending my message I thought - hmm, maybe Elan will take my message
as some complain. ...

Do you remember similar discussion held here during REBOL 1.x release? IIRC, it
lead to flames, so nowhere. REBOL being functional or not - what can we do about
it? From the beginners or semi-programmer's point of view - it doesn't matter.
It's easy to use, compact, efficient. so what?

Being on several ML's, I wouldn't really like to see posts stating: "As it is
now, I rank you as a first class bitch." -- and take care - it said one women to
another one. And - the discussion started so innocently ....



> Take Care,
> Elan

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