> I note that REBOL doesnt pass on  all the command line args
> anyway. See  example  below.   This -  along  with  all the
> escaping  nonsense suggested earlier  - means that it looks
> impossible to   use  REBOL to implement    something with a
> predefined command line syntax.
> I have  C, C++ and Delphi   command-line programs that work
> with identical  command line args, containing switches like
> -v  etc, and was hoping   to write REBOL equivalents, using
> same arg convention.
> Is REBOL  not a  suitable language for   this kind of task?
> (REBOL newcomer, not yet sure what its good for).
> Sean

  Howdy, Sean:

  If you pass items beginning with a dash (-switch) as
  arguments to the script, how would you suggest REBOL find
  it's own command line switches?


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