Howdy, Tim:
What you're saying works for me. I'm sorry if what
your seeing from RT appears as unresponsiveness to
issues like publication of bugs, but these issues are a
matter of policy which myself and the other developers
don't really have anything to do with. We're the ones
always yakking on the list but our sphere of influence
is really just in matters directly related to the
production of code (which unfortunately will contain an
occasional bug (-:)
Whether the approach you and Ted are suggesting is best
is not for me to say. But if there is popular consent
that we're picking the wrong route in some of our
practices.. well...
What the community says is often going to have a
greater influence than what the developers say. You
are all doing _us_ a favor by telling us when you think
we're goofing it. So, if you folks see us missing the
boat, keep letting us know (please: in a nice,
reasonable, and non flaming way). Someone's always
bound to answer a ringing phone, so to speak.
I don't know that that's a satisfactory answer, but
that's just more or less my frank opinion.
Surrender? We have not yet begun to fight!
> ... which is why I'm CC'ing Jeff on this, because I'm really
> having a hard time getting a response from rebol folks on
> this matter, and I think that they would jump at such an
> opportunity and give me some feedback.
> BUT: (Sorry to shout here, I'll try to keep my voice
> softer). I've submitted several bugs myself and I'm myself
> rather appalled that rebol isn't addressing these more
> openly.
> It is a truism that is older than the Internet that people
> respect you more when you are honest about your
> shortcomings.
> Rebol guys and gals: Lissen 'up here.....!! Stomp out those
> bugs that you can and post the rest of them.
> You will be rewarded for it, in the long run. There are
> more watching you than you know, and you also have made a
> lot of friends. Those friends can help.
> Best Wishes -Tim