Hi John,

You need to also add a port for view events. Using 'dispatch makes it easier
to react to different ports. See note below about the attached script.

 ? dispatch
    DISPATCH port-block

     Wait for a block of ports. As events happen, dispatch port handler
     DISPATCH is a function value.

     port-block -- Block of port handler pairs (port can be timeout too).
(Type: block)

The attached View script communicates a message to each member in its client
To use... Run 3 instances of the script and set the port numbers to 8001,
8002, 8003
Now anything you type in one will show in the other two.

Hope this script helps someone.


Allen K

    Title: "View Peer Chat Demo"
    Author: "Allen Kamp" 
    Purpose: "Simple peer-to-peer chat in View"
    status: "prototype"

;comments start of DirectPlay like gaming subsystem

system/options/quiet: true
system/console/busy: none

host-address: does [system/network/host-address]
host: does [system/network/host]

clients: reduce [
 host-address  "8001"
 host-address  "8002"
 host-address  "8003"

my-address: host-address

port-num: 8001
message-port: none
; for view events
event-port: open [scheme: 'event]

set-message-port: func [
"Changes Port Address of Connection"
    if port? message-port [close message-port]
    message-port: open/direct join tcp:// [":" port-id]

do-message: func [/local data newline? type address][
    if none? data: copy first message-port [close message-port return 'break] 
    newline?: does [either empty? converse/text [""][newline]]
    set [type address data] parse/all data "#"
    if data = "quit" [close message-port close event-port quit]
    append tail converse/text join newline? [address " - " data]
    show converse

do-event: func [/local event][
    event: first event-port
    if event/type = 'close [quit]
    do event

tell-all: func [list [block!] data][
   foreach [ip port-id] list [
       if error? try [tell ip port-id data][print ["Error - No Connection" ip port-id]]

tell: func [ip port-id data /local client][
    client: open rejoin [tcp:// ip ":" port-id]
    insert client rejoin ['msg "#" ip ":" message-port/port-id "#" data]
    close client

view/new layout [
    client-ip: txt join "IP " host-address navy 200 bold
    server-ip: field form port-num button "Set Port" [set-message-port server-ip/text]
    converse: area 516 with [para: [wrap?: true]] 
    v1: slider to-pair reduce [16 converse/size/y][scroll-para converse face]
 return below
    msg: field 516 
    button #"^M" "send" [
        tell-all clients copy msg/text
        system/view/caret: head clear msg/text
        show msg

set-message-port port-num

dispatch [
    message-port :do-message
    event-port   :do-event

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