Left column not well prepared for my standard option... 'min font size = 14px'. Same "overshooting" result in Firefox 1.5 and Opera 9tp2.

I can't think of a "fix" besides creating a large gutter between the
 two columns...

Not necessary, as you can have elastic layouts without using em on
individual containers. I just tested on a copy of your page, and it
behaves just fine even though I didn't go in depth or looked at your CSS.

The "trick" (which should be used more often, IMO) is to set 'em'-width
only on the outer container and '%'-width on all the others. Your layout
is so close to an ordinary '25%+75% 2-column float construct' that it'll
come out fine with such values. Some slight margin-adjustments will take
care of the rest across browser-land

My "hope" is that users with such settings will know how to take advantage of that elastic layout; two simple "Ctrl++" should take care of the "issue".

Guess so. However, we use such minimum-settings so we won't have to
click anything. That's the whole idea.

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