Kevin Futter wrote:
On 10/5/06 9:45 AM, "shawn cassick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    i am currently recoding a page from sloppy html to xhtml 1.0
    strict, my question is, how can i get around the span duplicate id
    defined, as i use css to define a border around the title text,
    yes i thought of using h1, b, etc. and relating the css to those
    tags, but the titles are to have pretty much the same properties
    as the main text. long story short does anyone have an idea of how
    to get around it, i am currently at school right now but any
    responses would be nice, i have thought of using a div tag instead
    of a span and making the width auto, but still...

    thanks guys

    Shawn Cassick
    Lead Designer - <>

I’m not sure I fully understand your question, but can’t you just use a class instead of an ID where the same style needs to be applied to multiple elements?

Kevin Futter
Webmaster, St. Bernard's College
i have tossed the class in there instead of the id, but then the css for some reason wont render on screen.
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