On 23/05/2006, at 8:55 PM, Designer wrote:

I've noticed before that Mr Meyer quite often uses stuff like:

                [1]  div#links a:hover img {position: absolute;  etc.

whereas I would just say :

                [2]   #links a:hover img {position: absolute; etc.

Given that Eric Mayer is one smart guy, and I am not ( :-) ), I find myself being intrigued as to why he does this. Is there a reason? Does the preceding 'div' actually do anything, or is it simply saying that it's the id of a div, as opposed to an id of something other than a div???

Basically, this is making the rule more specific - less likely
to be over-ridden by another rule, and less likely to disrupt
other styles already in place.

You might want to use that id for a div on one page and
a form on another - this would allow you to be flexible.

It can also be a helpful reminder of what the style is intended
for. That's my reasoning anyway.

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