Jonathan Carter wrote:
I'm trying to create a horizontal navigation menu where each list item contains an image and descriptive text. I want the image to be centered within the item and also be block so that the text is below it. I haven't been able to get this to work perfectly between IE/FF and I haven't found a good example of a list styled like what I'm trying to achieve. If anyone has any examples or could help me in getting this result, I would greatly appreciate it.
I struggle to figure out exactly what it is you are after. Something like this?
ul#navlist{padding: 0;margin: 0;list-style-type: none;}
ul#navlist li { display: inline; }
ul#navlist li a{float: left;width: 5em;}
span {  display: block;}
<ul id="navlist">
<li><a href="#"><img src="01-a.gif" /><span>Mauris luctus, nisi eget porta sagittis, sem leo viverra lorem, a dictum tellus mi ac arcu. Nam placerat nibh id risus euismod ultricies.</span></a></li>


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