> Hi everyone, this list is very quiet.
> I would like to hear from those who have plenty of CMSs experiences
> or who are CMS developers, how do you think of Etomite CMS.
> Many months, I tried different type of Opensource CMS but cannot find
> one that I really think works for me. I need something that is web
> standard compliant, that can generate clean code with strict doctype
> and has full CSS support, more importantly, a CMS that doesn't offer
> too much and easy to learn to use it. Finally, I found Etomite which
> suites my need very well and would like to use it for all future
> projects.
> http://www.etomite.org/
> tee
> *********************************************************
> The CMS discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
> *********************************************************

I currently use Etomite on my personal site, finding it very flexible.
Currently the site validates to XHTML strict and CSS standards. I would be
interested in comments regarding rendering in various browsers, as this is
the next thing I need to check. My site is located at:



The CMS discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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