Robert O'Neill wrote:
Hi, I'd like to take you up on your offer, and the same goes to any other members who may have a visual impairment.

Hi Rob,

The large text toggle has some issues.... Some border and height elements are set in fixed pixel height, so when the text is expanded, it overlaps the boxes. Other than that, I can see everything fine, even without going to the high contrast mode (In fact, I found that much more difficult to read than the normal version)

I'm looking for some volunteers to pilot my questionnaire available at <> whose eventual audience will be the visually impaired. I'm looking for feedback to include personal opinions about: 1. the wording of questions
2. the ordering of questions
3. the suitability of questions
4. if instructions are adequate.

I know next to nothing about any of that, so I don't think I'm much use there. It flows well, but I couldn't tell you if it was true or not. :D

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