Forgive me for my interference, however could not the text used in the alt and title tags, itself be the deciding factor whether or not it is applicable to the content?
The instance of use is subjective to reason of use. If a icon (and these are) is used, it is most often used to call attention to, as well as add visual appeal to the typed text. Not just for decorative reasons.
From a beginners view point, and one who has sought out the standard practices on this subject, I am easily distracted and confused when the point of a subject is debated back and forth such as this.
In short I've come to the conclusion, that the bottom line when it comes to alt vs. title, is the choice relies on the context and content.
In this instance I would say both alt and title have a place on the site that was presented, although I think, the text used leaves a bit to be desired.   lol, and I have provide for your enjoyment some examples of alternatives. Or along those lines.................
<img src="" width="100" height="89" alt="Wheel Chair Icon: Universal Icon Symbol of Accessibility" title="The universal wheel chair iconic symbol that indicates accessibility">
<img src="" alt="Magnifying Glass: Universal Icon Symbol for Search"   title="The universal magnifying glass iconic symbol that signifies search"/>
<img src="" alt="Human Head Profile: Universal Icon Symbol for Mankind" title="The universal profile representation of the human head, the iconic symbol that indicates use by mankind" />
<img src="" alt="Certificate: Universal Icon Symbol for Recognition, Achievement and or Completion" title="The universal certificate iconic symbol that indicates special recognition, achievement and or completion" />

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