Shlomi Asaf wrote:

If i open the site and see that it works on my target browsers, why i
 need the validation for? what do i benefit from it?

Well, since you started out with an example of malformed and non-valid
xhtml Strict (1.0, I guess/hope), then the answer is simple: if it isn't
valid then it isn't xhtml, so at least call it something else.

Christian Montoya wrote:
- If you serve an XHTML doctype as text/html, well, don't.

I can't see why not ;-) long as it also works if/when served as
'application/xhtml+xml'. This means it /has to be/ wellformed and valid
- regardless of what /any/ browser makes out of it when getting it
served as 'text/html'.

- If you serve an XHTML doctype as application/xhtml+xml, then your question would be, "why doesn't my page display at all?" And the answer would be, validate.

Indeed. So if someone intentionally wants to allow for a bit of freedom
and some non-valid markup, then they should stay away from xhtml.
My own input: <>
...and I'm writing xhtml all the time :-)

Shlomi Asaf wrote:
i refuse to take for grentet everything been told to me.

I follow you there :-) There's a lot of weak reasoning around for just
about everything in web design - including validation.

You yourself linked to one of the best, and strongest, sources...
   "It’s useful to write valid markup, in most cases. But it’s hardly
useful to make a noise about it."

...I couldn't agree more.

i try to look at the positive and negative sided and costs of my webDesign.

Writing correct markup is useful - without any known negatives, and
there's no known cost related to validation that I know of.

Note that correct markup is valid - in most cases, but valid markup
doesn't necessarily have to be correct or result in anything useful.
I think we have all seen valid markup that looks like, and results in, a
complete mess. Thus, validation is just a small step - a check-point -
along the road to write correct markup that won't rely on error-recovery
and browser-dependent guesswork.

Myself, I prefer to avoid spending time, and money, on figuring out all
the variables in error-recovery and browser-dependent guesswork, so I
find the validator to be a useful tool. I even use it at times, if/when
I'm in doubt about something I want to put in my markup. I don't make a
lot of noise about the validity of my markup though.


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