> So simple it looks like an amateur did it.

May be but at least i try better ways you not.
You could see in WCAG1 the definition of tabular data

>   Tabular information
> When tables are used to represent logical relationships among data -- text,  numbers, images, 
etc., that information is called "tabular information" and the tables are called "data 
tables". The relationships expressed by a table may be rendered visually (usually on a 
two-dimensional grid), aurally (often preceding cells with header information), or in other formats.
ยป http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/#tabular-information

Here you can see too>

Tables should be used to mark up truly tabular information ("data
tables"). Content developers should avoid using them to lay out pages
("layout tables"). Tables for any use also present special problems to
users of screen readers (refer to checkpoint 10.3).

Using markup improperly -- not according to specification -- hinders
accessibility. Misusing markup for a presentation effect (e.g., using
a table for layout or a header to change the font size) makes it
difficult for users with specialized software to understand the
organization of the page or to navigate through it. Furthermore, using
presentation markup rather than structural markup to convey structure
(e.g., constructing what looks like a table of data with an HTML PRE
element) makes it difficult to render a page intelligibly to other
devices (refer to the description of difference between content,
structure, and presentation).

You can find a lot more, at the end you can still use table for menus
or whatever you like, like everyone do at the beginning of BOOM of
commercial internet.

But that is not recommend for standards, that's the point.
And that it is what we discuss where but you still discuss , it's not
nice to see or your it's better even if you use tables and duplicate
the code...

You could use or example with
              <a href="" title="">A</a>
              <a href="" title="">B</a>
              <a href="" title="">C</a>
For the some i use
  <a href="" title="">A</a>
  <a href="" title="">B</a>
  <a href="" title="">C</a>

It's your choice , it's your page ... may be when you star to thing
big, global you see the diference

And Yes, if it makes you happy iam still a amateur.

Make it simple for the people

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