Also, in happy times when multiple background images are commonly supported getting rid of one <script...> is easier than fishing out all extra divs, spans, etc.

Looks to me like the CSS3 working draft for border-radius and multiple
background-images won't solve much beyond the ordinary "round box"
illusions. "Shaped borders" will not be possible to create without extra
elements - generated or hard-coded.

The hard-coded approach is not all that easy to maintain across larger
sites - and it does look ugly, and only transparent background-images
will go with any page-background and they can't be applied over/outside
the edges of the box - even in CSS3 AFAICS.

Is there a standard-compliant and 'semantically clean' way to generate
the extra elements/style-hooks needed for something like what's in this
...that'll work in most browsers?

Needless to say that I have looked around for alternatives with at least
the same design-flexibility, or ways to improve what I have, since I
finished that test-page a couple of years ago, but I have yet to find
one that works. Lots of "conditionals" but no "can go anywhere"
solutions around, AFAIK.

More difficult still: how to integrate it all with a real
background-image on the box.

Any real solutions around?


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