Enlightenment is something that will happen while you are haging around here. There are a lot of very tanlented people here and asking for a critique, may hirt a little, but will also get you a lot of wonderful ideas. You might receive ideas and solutions that you have never thought of before. Do not be afraid. Some may bite more than they bark, but we are all well meaning and passionate about Web
Standards. So take the bites with a grain of salt, find the truth in what is being said, learn from it, and carry on.

Validating is a great start. Semantics can be a tricky area to learn. Maybe someone could propose a more
semantically appropriate example to what was posted? Patrick, care to take a swing at it? =)


Thanks Jim,
As a very uniformed builder of a few sites, I really have no understanding as to what is good and or bad. My experience has been, if it works, validates and offers no tidy warnings.............well then it's fair game to utilize.
Ok to utilize if one does not care or is blissfully aware that those in the know are shaking their heads at the code.
lol, I'm glad I don't ever ask for a critic of my code, I think I would prefer to remain ignorant.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Rounded Corners

I have not been following this thread so much so bare with me here!  If I am totally in left field ignore me. =)

I cannot speak for Patrick, but what I think that he is shaking his head at is the class names, the amount of class names, and markup that lacks semantic value.  I realize that the classnames are used purely for example here, but it leads us on sort of a painful ride when it is seen.

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