On 8/1/06, Philippe Wittenbergh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

... If you put your series of links in a (one) real table-cell, and use
the same styling (float), odds are that you'd see similar behaviour/
differences between browsers. ...

[excellent explanation trimmed]

Thanks! That helps my understanding tremendously.

Unrelated to your test case, as IE doesn't do display:table anyway.
... You'll probably need a 'haslayout' trigger for IE ...

Bingo and bingo.

PS - If you know the number of links, and their minimum-width,
you could give your <p> a minimum width as well.

I tried this in one of my early tests, but it didn't seem to work.
However, _width_ worked!  I wasn't thrilled with the idea of forcing a
fixed width though, so I pushed it aside.

If I revisit min-width again, this time using my newest test[1], I get
better, albeit interesting results[2]. In Opera, the list now fits on
one row, however it remains centered relative to the first four items.

Still not centered relative to the entire list, but an improvement
regardless. Almost there.

Joe D'Andrea

[1] http://test.joesapt.net/cf/opera-ul
[2] http://test.joesapt.net/cf/opera-ul-min

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