Shlomi Asaf wrote:
i just been informed that P & Hn Elements are Inline Element. How Come? how can those elements be inline, and the user-agent render them as Block-level elements?

can anyone plz explain to me how come a P & Hn tags can be inlines???

They are *not*. Paragraphs and headings are block-elements, but they can
only have inline-elements as content. That's actually what W3C says.

And from another page...
  "Block-level elements are those elements of the source document that
are formatted visually as blocks (e.g., paragraphs)."[1]


I think the following list is still pretty good...

The following are defined as block-level elements in HTML 4.0:
[Strict only]

ADDRESS - Address
BLOCKQUOTE - Block quotation
DIV - Generic block-level container
DL - Definition list
FIELDSET - Form control group
FORM - Interactive form
H1 - Level-one heading
H2 - Level-two heading
H3 - Level-three heading
H4 - Level-four heading
H5 - Level-five heading
H6 - Level-six heading
HR - Horizontal rule
NOSCRIPT - Alternate script content
OL - Ordered list
P - Paragraph
PRE - Preformatted text
TABLE - Table
UL - Unordered list

The following elements may also be considered block-level elements since
they may contain block-level elements:

DD - Definition description
DT - Definition term
LI - List item
TBODY - Table body
TD - Table data cell
TFOOT - Table foot
TH - Table header cell
THEAD - Table head
TR - Table row

The following elements may be used as either block-level elements or
inline elements. If used as inline elements (e.g., within another inline
element or a P), these elements should not contain any block-level elements.

BUTTON - Button
DEL - Deleted text
INS - Inserted text
MAP - Image map
OBJECT - Object
SCRIPT - Client-side script




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