At 09:41 PM 8/15/2006, TuteC wrote:
Again learning from your experience. I am trying to implement to a design
where I need both (navigation and content) have the same height.

I try to do it because each div has a background color, and I want
them to reach the footer no matter their content.

Hi Tute,

There's a lot of material on this on the web -- try googling "css equal height columns" and "css faux columns" for example.

I also highly recommend the CSS-D wiki at and in particular the two-column layout page:

If you're only dealing with two columns, consider this: you may not actually need the two column divs to be the same height, you may only need them to look like they're the same height. If both columns are inside a wrapper, the wrapper will stretch to be the height of the longer of the two. You can apply the background to one side of the wrapper and it will lie behind one of the columns, full height, regardless of which is the longer column.

That simple solution does work for some graphic treatments but gets tricky with others, as when you want a border around one of the columns and not merely a block of background color or image.


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