Nick Gleitzman wrote:
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was criticising; that previous

Oh, not at all... I did not mean to make it sound like you were.  :D

thread doesn't really answer your question anyway, but it does give you some options (and rationale) on how to go about it. Just thought you'd be interested.

For sure. I saw it start a while back, but soon got lost due to all the subject changing and such... still tracking-back through it now.

Hmm... 'force' is too strong a word. We should never 'force' our visitors to do anything! But *inviting* them to upgrade by serving a plain text site - nothing wrong with that. Absolutely preferable to a broken layout, IMO.

Excellent point and I agree.  :D

I can't wait for browsers like IE5.0 and IE5.2 to die... I mean, they are pretty-much dead already, but not dead enough to make me not care.

Oh - and a recent peruse of one of my sites' stats showed a (thankfully singular) visitor using ... wait for it ... Explorer 1.0. I guess there's no helping some people...


It has to be a practical joke!

Hmmm, actually, that would be interesting April fools day trick... spoof your browser stats - anyone know how to do this? I would love to surf the web and have folks thinking I was using IE 1.0! Lol, what a trip - 1.0... where do you even download that anymore? Can XP run it?

Ok, I have had too much coffee. Time to take a break.  :)


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