Title: Re: [WSG] *Pure* CSS drop down menu
FWIW, what we have done in the past uses JS timers as mentioned to auto hide the drops when not moused on as well as JS to show/hide layers (the drop menus). Otherwise, if JS is off, the main nav button that would have triggered the drop is clickable, bringing you to a section home/landing with a sub nav of the missed drop menu items.

Hope that makes sense.


On 10/6/06 3:58 PM, "Joshua K.Briley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've set up similar CSS drop down menus to the one by TK (however, not IE friendly), but the usability is limited because of the precise mousework required.  I realize this goes against the nature of what you're trying to accomplish, but is there any other alternative solution.  I'd be interested in finding out if server side scripting could accomplish the timing issues.

Tom Livingston | Senior Multimedia Artist | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com

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