> This has clearly veered off topic, and I'm just waiting for a 
> moderator
> comment... :)

Well. The question itself (while a accidental mispost to this list) was
essentially on topic. If we get any further into server-side code I'll
suggest it go onto the CMS list.

Personally, I think the double space is not important on the web (or even in
a printed document) and my default position is to remove   and double
spaces from content but if client specifically asked for the ability to do
it in a CMS (depending on the input method, inline html editor or textarea
input) I'd search for a double space following a period and replace it with
.   (on output to the html page) leaving it up to them to be
careful about their space bar usage. It's their website afterall and while I
regard it as not "best practice" because it could be considered
presentation, it isn't invalid.

If that text was to be re-purposed (for metadata or a news feed etc.) then
the filter would not be applied. The data remains free of   that way.

I have a much bigger problem mis-using the <i> element for this purpose but
I am in the minority that believes that the <i> element is still important
when you want to specify italics instead of emphasis (for Latin species
names etc.) which is a similar historic argument to a double space.


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