Hi, sorry if this question sounds too stupid to you, but I really have a hard time to understand the concept being CSS style in the <body>.

I am doing a html email that uses table and inline styling (yes, I have good concept what inline styling is and pretty good at it if I really need to code it that way) because it needs to target most web mails such as gmail. According to campaignmonitor and the excellent article David Greiner wrote for thinkvitamin, gmail only support "Tables and inline CSS" and this is what I was trying to do for this html newsletter.

But I really don't understand what it said about putting CSS in the <body>. Isn't this the same thing as inline styling? In the article and the links within the article, I found more useful articles and information, my impression from the articles I was reading is that, css in body tag and inline styling are two separate things. I am driving myself crazy to not being able to understand the concept and my poor understanding of English.

TIA for your thought and elaboration!


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