Promoting it's use, Lachlan?

For crying out loud, it's my experiments site where I fool around with 
stuff. I'm not telling anyone to use this stuff. Frankly, based on the 
number of feed subscribers I have I'm surprised it's as popular as it is. It 
was never meant to be anything more than a playground for my own use. I 
owned the domain name so I decided to put it to some use. Of course all of 
this is written on the site so I'm really just repeating myself. I did add 
some content as it pertains to trying to make the stuff on there forward 
compatible and accessible when I realized people were following the content. 
I do try to make quality experiments. And people are welcome to use them if 
they want.

That said, I don't see where detecting OSs/browsers to deliver a specific 
styles in a pinch using PHP is outdated. It seems to me it's a quick and 
easy solution if someone gets stuck as I describe on the script text page 
and in the summary. As far as people spoofing browsers, I suppose if some 
cracker doesn't get the right style info I won't be too worried about it. 
It's not meant to support a security function at all. I do have one script 
on the site that does have a security function (hiding email) but due to 
browser spoofing I write in no uncertain terms that it shouldn't be relied 
upon (even through I've never gotten a single spam email on that address 
since I posted it -- knock on wood).

Regarding the purpose of the script: I state why I made it and what it's 
used for right on the site. Please read that instead of making me write it 
again. That would save us both some time and not waste the time of the list 
subscribers. I know I'm busy and really lack the time and energy to defend 
my having an experiments site on the web and trying to learn stuff. I know 
you're a real popular man, and all that, but you seem to come across 
aggressively at times. I really have no appreciation for that. I asked for a 
quick favor from the members to check something because I'm not a Mac user, 
I got a response, then returned with a thank you. This doesn't really have 
to turn into some argument does it?

Mike Cherim

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lachlan Hunt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] PHP Browser Sniffer Test for Mac FF 2.0

Mike at wrote:

What is the purpose of this script?  Browser sniffing is an out dated
and unreliable technique.  Browsers has long had the ability to spoof
User-Agent headers.  Why are you continuing to promote its use in anyway

Lachlan Hunt

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