Hi, While you are looking at my the list-style: decimal, can you also check a problem that I haven't been able to solve?

I use Thierry's toggled elements. It works really nice, but if a floated div inserted, something goes wrong. I want the DL element floats around the floated box when toggled is on; (1) all browses seemed render it correctly except the Safari

Another thing, (2) the dt has a background image, the contents for dt and dd should line up vertically, but all browsers, including Safari, next to the floated box dd contents, line up with dt's background image instead.

Thierry suggested adding display: table or inline-table in dd and dt. 'Inline table' doesn't solves the Safari's problem for (1) but the 'table' does, however it resulting bigger spacing (top and bottom) in Gecko based browsers. playing with margins or paddings doesn't fix the problem. Any solution for this?

One thing though, the 'display:table' only work when declared in both dt and dd.

Without 'display:table'
With 'display:table'

With no floated box, everything works with or without 'display:table' declared.



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