on 10/11/2006 05:03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] said the following:
Please could someone tell me what I'm obviously missing?

Your text for each input isn't enclosed by the label element so the explicit association is being lost.

Instead of:

<label for="a"><input type="radio" value="0" name="answer" alt="make your mark" id="a" accesskey="l" tabindex="2" /></label>Text<br />

It should be

<label for="a"><input type="radio" value="0" name="answer" alt="make your mark" id="a" accesskey="l" tabindex="2" />Text</label><br />

Personally I'd also:

1. Scrap the accesskeys. All of the keys you're using conflict with keystrokes reserved for JAWS, Home Page Reader, Firefox/Mozilla and Opera 7:


2. Get rid of the tabindexing. If your natural tab order is intuitive, you don't need it. The last thing you should do is interfere with the intuitive tab ordering on a page. It can drive keyboard navigators up the wall.

3. Get rid of the tabled layout. What you posted is simple enough to achieve without tabling.

4. Change the title attribute on your link from "Off Site Link" to "Opens in new window". In fact, consider either not spawning a new window or placing the warning in clear text and, if necessary, using css to position it offscreen. A significant number of screen reader users configure their software to ignore the title attribute (because it's so over-used) so will not be pre-warned about the new window.

Automated accessibility parser warnings about tab indexes and access keys can be safely ignored provided you've actually tested the keybaord navigation of the page yourself and you're happy that it behaves logically.

Hope that helps


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