> having a go trying to help a friend figure out why, in xhtml strict 1.0 the 
> <br /> that are styled in the css style sheet  as follows:  .sidemenu br 
> {line-height: 3px; .
> However in FF, Netscape and Mozilla it would appear the css style is being 
> ignored. The space is too high
> IE and Opera seem to render it the way she intended. Have googled xhtml 
> strick break tags bugs but have not found anything so far.
> This does not happen in her xhtml transitional version.

 'line-height' changes the height of lines inside an element. The ambigous
case where an element is the content too (img, br, hr, ...) it only changes
it's own 'line-height', not the one of it's parent or sisters:

 <span style="line-height: 1em;">
   white-space<br style="line-height: 0.5em;" />

 does not affect the span's line-height, and not the 'white-space' string,
and in effect does nothing at all.

 Which I count as good behaviour, because it's really uggly if you put
for example:

 <span style="line-height: 4em;">
   <img src="bla.png" style="display: inline; line-height: 2em;" />
   <img src="bla.png" style="display: inline; line-height: 3em;" />
   <img src="bla.png" style="display: inline; line-height: 4em;" />
   <img src="bla.png" style="display: inline; line-height: 5em;" />

 What's the line-height in XHTML Trans (where the line-height bleeds to
it's parent and neighbours)? [rethorical question]

 My suggestion is not to use it _in_ the text, but _on_ the text (<p>, <div>).
Favourably, and if you can, only on block-elements.


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