>> From D-Lib Magazine, v.12(11), 2006:
> http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november06/peterson/11peterson.html
> Excellent.


                ... The logical step [of MicroFormats to de-centralize behaviour
                and appearance of tag-groups] - to add semantic in any
                way - is complex but nesessary, because it guides to the ability
                to make semantic definition dynamic/fluid and independent of
                centralized and incestious groups of interest.
                Semantics, and the nesessity of the demonstration of a specific
                semantic has to be defined by the user, has to be definable by
                the user - over time.

 Me about semantics on WhatWG. It's only sad that folksonomy and taxonomy stand
in front of each other like armies, ready to fight to be 'right'.

 A possible compromise (like we have a boot-strap of basic tags, the rest get's
invented on demand/need - our brain has a boot-stem for eating and sleeping, the
rest get's invented on demand/need) isn't in sight.


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