On 1/29/07, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why are you the "best state"? Are we not all Australians, pride cometh
before a fall:-)

That *was* a joke. Being so large but so terribly far away, we're a
bit funny over here :)

Can you afford a membership fee to be part of the W3C.

What's that cost these days? As far as I understood it, that was
targeted at mega-corporations...

Is your TAFE under pressure to provide "fee for service" to get as many
private IT contracts as possible?
Victorian TAFE and Swinburne esp. are starved of funding, in my

To be honest I really don't know. I imagine it's largely the same

Kay Smoljak
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standards: kay.zombiecoder.com
coldfusion: kay.smoljak.com
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