On Feb 17, 2007, at 11:03 PM, Chris Gandolfo wrote:


Hi Chris, looks good in IE 6. Nice design too!

The font size is too small for my taste, the line-height can be tighten a bit, headings need bigger margin or padding (padding is better) on the left - the content area as a whole should be given bigger left padding, perhaps align with the "p" in "porfolio"; last paragraph needs at least 25px padding bottom. I wish to see DD's text font size in Resume be the same as the paragraph in About and Hire Me. I am the last person on earth you want to ask for English spelling/grammar check :), still, I caught a spelling error, I think in your horizontal menu, the 'PORFOLIO' is missing a "T".

Markup wise, you can eliminate the 'text' class. Instead write a descendent of #content, like so

#content p {padding: 10px 30px}
and the markup

 <p>I was born in Reno...</p>

<p>I left BM after hig...</p>

In the last paragraph, you can create a class to give a different padding bottom like so
.lastpara {padding-bottom: 30px}

<p class="lastpara">this is the last paragraph of text that has 30px of padding bottom</p>

Alternatively, you can give #footer_outer a 30px padding bottom if you don't want a new class for last paragraph.

You have markup validation errors.



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