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       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
A meeting from Marat Mamyashev regarding the recent WSG Russia meeting


Last week on November, 17 the first open meeting of the Russian wing of WSG
successfully took place in St. Petersburg. More than three hours moderators
and speakers were talking about interesting and non-obvious subject-matters
of CSS, JavaScript and XML.

The action gathered more than 70 most qualified web-developers from the
northern capital of Russia. We hope, all of them learned something new while
discussing and listening to speakers.

Those who couldn't visit the meeting, will be able to learn more about it
from the presentations and a short photo report
(http://flickr.com/groups/wsg-russia/ ).

The next meeting is programmed for the beginning of the next year. This time
in Moscow. Welcome!


Would you like to get a meeting going in your city? Let us know..

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