       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - r...@maxdesign.com.au


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who
click on the links below and find that they are broken):

Usable Accessibility: Making Web Sites Work Well for People with

Digital Web Magazine closes it's doors

Marking up a blog with HTML 5 (part 2)

HashDictionary - a Twitter dictionary

Is Google Rewiring Our Brains?

Change the Web Challenge

JavaScript best practices

jQuery UI 1.7 Released: New CSS Framework & Dramatic Updates to Controls

Deconstructing Analysis Techniques

I like web apps because they're always on

Forget the mobile web: One site should work for all

Basics - The Quest for the Nearly Empty In-Box

10 Things To Consider When Choosing The Perfect CMS

Web Standards Test: Top 100 Sites

The future of CSS sprites

Pixels in Vectors

Create a dynamic Web Slice in 5 minutes

The Elements of Social Architecture

Fluid Grids


March WSG meeting (Sydney)
Date: 11-Mar-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
Presentation 1: Raphaël ‹ JavaScript Vector Library, Dmitry Baranovskiy
Presentation 2: Wireframes considered harmful, Tom Voirol

SXSW Interactive 2009
Date: 13-Mar-09 to 17-Mar-09
he SXSW INTERACTIVE FESTIVAL celebrates the creativity and passion behind
the coolest new media technologies. In addition to panel sessions that cover
everything from web design to bootstrapping to social networks, attendees
make new business connections at the three-day Trade Show & Exhibition.

March WSG meeting (Canberra)
Date: 18-Mar-09
City: Canberra (Australia)
Presentation 1: Public engagement. Public empowerment, Stephen Collins
Presentation 2: Stories: An unlikely way to find out what's really going on,
Mark Schenk

MIX 09
Date: 18-Mar-09 to 20-Mar-09
If you're a designer or developer who builds on the web, MIX09 is the place
to learn about products and technologies that help you plan for the future
while addressing today's economic challenges. Hear about advances in
technologies like Silverlight, Expression, ASP.NET, Windows 7, and Windows
Azure, and discuss topics like design, user experience, web standards, data
visualization, workflow, and social networks. Learn how to use technology to
increase customer satisfaction and impact the bottom line.

SilverStripe Open Source CMS meet ups
Date: 19-Mar-09
City: Melbourne
Learn about and discuss this modern website development platform, and
meet other local developers using the software.

SilverStripe Open Source CMS meet ups
Date: 19-Mar-09
City: Stockholm
Learn about and discuss this modern website development platform, and
meet other local developers using the software.

XML Prague 2009
Date: 21-Mar-09
XML Prague is a conference on XML for developers, markup geeks, information
managers, and students. In its 4th year, XML Prague focuses on emerging
trends in core XML technologies and their application in the real world. XML
Prague conference will take place 21-22 March 2009 at Charles University in
the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic.

3d European eAccessibility Forum
Date: 30-Mar-09
This 3d European eAccessibility Forum will focus on the application of these
technologies for a better inclusion of people with disabilities at the
workplace. Various situations will be considered, covering different needs
related to training, mobility, access to information, communication.
Concrete cases will be discussed. Solutions will be presented, ranging from
commercial products to research prototypes.

Internet User Experience 2009
Date: 30-Mar-09 - 03-Apr-09
City: Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA)
The Internet User Experience conference is back for its fifth year! It
features keynotes, technical presentations, and training tutorials designed
for web professionals and stakeholders of all skill levels. Over 24 top
speakers and trainers in web site design and strategy, usability, content
development, search engine marketing, and social media will fill this
program. Also included will be special demonstrations, exhibitors, and a

SMX Search Analytics
Date: 31-Mar-09 to 01-Apr-09
City: Toronto (Canada)
Join us in Toronto for the first SMX Search Analytics conference! This event
is for search engine marketers who want to dive deep on the techniques for
improving ROI of both paid and organic search marketing campaigns. SMX
Search Analytics focuses on the processes and tools that help you maximize
campaign effectiveness.

Search Marketing Expo - Sydney
Date: 02-Apr-09 to 03-Apr-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
Search Marketing Expo returns to Sydney in April 2009 with an action packed
two day event, SMX Sydney's 2009 programming will include sessions designed
for all skill levels, from beginners all the way to advanced.

SilverStripe Open Source CMS meet ups
Date: 2-Apr-09
City: Vancouver
Learn about and discuss this modern website development platform, and
meet other local developers using the software.

UIE Web App Summit 2009
Date: 19-Apr-09 to 22 -Apr-09
City:  Newport Beach, California (USA)
At the UIE Web App Summit, you'll meet the innovators and world-class
designers behind today's most successful web apps. We've carefully crafted
this four-day Summit to include two days of intensive full-day workshops on
form design, Ajax, RIAs, design deliverables, wireframes, accessibility,
design patterns, and web standards. We round out the conference with two
more days of featured presentations from world-renown experts, to give you
fresh perspectives and new insights on today's web app design challenges.

Future of Web Design London 2009
Date: 30-Apr-09 - 01-May-09
City: London (UK)
FOWD London is back for 2009! Join the industry's leading and most talented
designers, developers and artists for some inspiration and practical advice.
The goal of this show is to unite, inspire and equip web designers around
the world. We want you to walk away from FOWD knowing that you're not alone
in your battle to create beautiful, usable and accessible websites and apps.

JAOO OZ - Sydney
Date: 5-May-09 to 8-May-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
JAOO returns in May 2009 bringing some of the world's leading minds in
IT and software development, trendsetting authors and industry
researchers to Australia. JAOO is a premier international conference
series focused on engaging the hearts and minds of the software
development community. With over 13 years of experience, JAOO vision has
been steadfast in creating conferences for developers by developers. As
a result, our conferences are vendor neutral events that focus on what
inspires, drives and educates the international development community.

Carson Workshops
How to Build Great Web Sites in HTML5 and CSS3 - Eric Meyer
Date: 09-Mar-09
City: London (UK)
This a special one-day workshop where we'll take a quick look at how to set
up your own full-featured web development environment for free. Then we'll
delve into the nuances of selectors, with an eye toward advanced CSS
selectors and how they can make your CSS leaner and meaner than ever. This
will be a look not only at the present state of selector support, but also
its future and how you can jump right into the future today!

JAOO OZ - Melbourne
Date: 11-May-09 to 14-May-09
City: Melbourne (Australia)
JAOO returns in May 2009 bringing some of the world's leading minds in
IT and software development, trendsetting authors and industry
researchers to Australia. JAOO is a premier international conference
series focused on engaging the hearts and minds of the software
development community. With over 13 years of experience, JAOO vision has
been steadfast in creating conferences for developers by developers. As
a result, our conferences are vendor neutral events that focus on what
inspires, drives and educates the international development community.

V21: The New Business of Media Conference
Date: 18-Mar-09
City: Melbourne (Australia)
V21 is designed for Victoria's vibrant media sector, and is destined to
become the pivotal annual event for those involved in the creation,
monetisation and distribution of digital media. The program includes
sessions which explore how the past can influence the future of digital
media; the do's and don'ts of IP; how to capitalise on the fusion of
advertising and entertainment; and new broadcasting environments. The event
features speakers from businesses across diverse media sectors, including:
Hyro, Sensis, IBM, RedTxt, Naked Communications, CafeScreen, Publicis
Digital,, Michi Girl, Infinite Interactive, Hippo, Holding Redlich and the
Nous Group.

Carson Workshops
How to design amazing web app user interfaces - Ryan Singer
Date: 27-Apr-09
City: London (UK)
In this workshop you will gain insight into all aspects of web UI design
including: coding style, visual factors like color and weight, movement
between screens, and the role of copywriting in interface design. It will
also go outside of interface design to the broader development process, from
feature conception to sketches to implementation.

Max Design CSS and Accessibility workshop series - 2009
Dates: 18-May-09 and 19-May-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
A hands-on workshop with accessibility expert, Roger Hudson, and CSS expert,
Russ Weakley:
Day 1: A practical guide to preparing WCAG 2 compliant websites
Day 2: Mastering CSS and XHTML - building elegant websites

Max Design CSS and Accessibility workshop series - 2009
Dates: 21-May-09 and  22 May-09
City: Canberra (Australia)
A hands-on workshop with accessibility expert, Roger Hudson, and CSS expert,
Russ Weakley:
Day 1: A practical guide to preparing WCAG 2 compliant websites
Day 2: Mastering CSS and XHTML - building elegant websites

WebDU: The Web Developer's Conference
Date: 21 ­ 22 May 2009
City: Sydney, Australia
WebDU, is back for its seventh year with FIVE tracks including Team UX and
Web Sessions. 
Split into two tracks, Web Sessions deals with everything from what to
expect of IE8 to Javascript security to iPhone application development. Also
included are topics on the Google Maps API, Yahoo Pipes, RIA/Website
Prototyping, RIA integration and more. Team UX features topics on design
workflow, UI and form design, information architecture and usability. Early
Bird Pricing Ends 7 March ­ Register Now www.webdu.com.au/register

Speakers from Microsoft AU, Google AU, Adobe USA, Adobe AU will be there
along with the best local talent from Australia AND international experts
from Switzerland, Germany and New Zealand. Come experience the latest in web
development, tools and techniques ­ catch up, meet up and get inspired!

Max Design CSS and Accessibility workshop series - 2009
Dates: 25-May-09 and  26 May-09
City: Melbourne (Australia)
A hands-on workshop with accessibility expert, Roger Hudson, and CSS expert,
Russ Weakley:
Day 1: A practical guide to preparing WCAG 2 compliant websites
Day 2: Mastering CSS and XHTML - building elegant websites

Max Design CSS and Accessibility workshop series - 2009
Dates: 28-May-09 and  29 May-09
City: Brisbane (Australia)
A hands-on workshop with accessibility expert, Roger Hudson, and CSS expert,
Russ Weakley:
Day 1: A practical guide to preparing WCAG 2 compliant websites
Day 2: Mastering CSS and XHTML - building elegant websites

UX London 2009
Date: 15-Jun-09 to 17 -Jun-09
City:  London, England
UX London is Britain's first major user experience conference, comprising
two days of practical, hands-on workshops, and a day of inspirational
speakers. We have some of the industry's best people on board, including Don
Norman, Peter Merholz, Dan Saffer, LukeW and Jared Spool, so it's abound to
be an amazing event!

Carson Workshops
The Whuffie Factor - Using the Power of Social Networks to Build Your
Business - Tara Hunt
Date: 22-June-09
City: London (UK)
Everyone knows about blogs and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
And they've heard about someone who has used them to grow a huge customer
base. Everyone wants to be hands-on, grass roots and interactive. But what
does this mean? And more to the point, how do you do it?

UX Australia 2009
Dates: 25-Aug-09 to 27-Aug-09
City: Canvberra (Australia)
UX Australia 2009 is Australia's premier user experience design conference,
with inspiring and practical presentations, covering a range of topics about
how to design great experiences for people.

Carson Workshops
Design Secrets of digg.com's User Interface - Daniel Burka
Date: 08-Sept-09
City: London (UK)
Web 2.0 is focused on user participation, so how can you promote interaction
on your site? As designers and product people, our focus is on developing
wonderful user experiences where people can come together to participate in
meaningful and useful ways. With social sites, this is doubly critical as
our sites are fundamentally powered by users interacting with one another.
This workshop will focus on design strategies for lowering the barriers to
participation, adapting to user behavior, promoting positive behaviors,
managing scale, and creating intuitive user experiences.

Web Application Design Training Workshop
Date & city: 
24th March ­ Melbourne (Australia)
7th April ­ Sydney (Australia)
5th May ­ Brisbane (Australia)
18th August ­ Adelaide (Australia)
20th Oct ­ Canberra (Australia)
Processes and interface design fundamentals for designing usable web
applications - one day course. From internet banking, online learning,
government transactional sites to employee phonebooks, online projects
increasingly include elements of web application design. This course will
explore the value and limitations of building a web application and
introduce a range of tools, approaches and interface design principles to
ensure that you understand your audience and design intuitive and usable web
applications. Includes usability of Rich Internet Applications and AJAX.

Interaction Design Training Workshop
Date & city: 
25th March ­ Melbourne (Australia)
8th April ­ Sydney (Australia)
6th May ­ Brisbane (Australia)
20th May ­ Perth (Australia)
19th August ­ Adelaide (Australia)
21st Oct ­ Canberra (Australia)
Human characteristics and theoretical principles for usable web
applications, intranet and internet sites - one day course. Ever wonder why
users don't behave how you expect? Ever done usability testing or found
usability issues but didn't know how to fix them? This course will provide
an insight into human characteristics and online behaviour based on latest
research and hundreds of usability tests with users, including video footage
of usability test sessions. We will also cover the theory and principles of
interaction design.

Web Usability Training Course
Date & city: 
10th March ­Sydney (Australia)
1st April ­ Brisbane (Australia)
19th May ­ Perth (Australia)
16th June ­ Melbourne (Australia)
28th July ­ Adelaide (Australia)
1st Dec ­ Canberra (Australia)
Introduction to User Centred Design tools and techniques. As a result of
attending this one day course, participants will have a good understanding
of the value and importance of user centred design and have the basic
skills, knowledge and tools to apply the user centred design approach to
developing usable Internet sites, Intranet sites or web applications within
their own organisation.

Usability Evaluation & Testing Training Workshop
Date & city: 
11th March ­ Sydney (Australia)
2nd April ­ Brisbane (Australia)
21st May ­ Perth (Australia)
17th June ­ Melbourne (Australia)
29th July ­ Adelaide (Australia)
2nd Dec ­ Canberra (Australia)
Discount evaluation techniques and how to conduct usability tests. In this
one day interactive workshop, learn valuable usability evaluation and
testing methods that you can use to evaluate your organisation's Internet
and Intranet site, web applications and software. This course will explore
the difference between expert reviews and usability testing and which is
better to use and when. We will cover when to usability test, what to test
and how to test. 


Job 1
Campaign Monitor is looking for our next designer / customer support legend.
You can look after some of the world's top design firms and have input into
a popular web application. Find out more at

Job 2
Senior Business Analyst
- Immediate Start!
- Established company with strong clients
- Up to $85K + Super

At a time when we are all feeling the financial pinch, it's good to know
that there are still companies out there investing in their most important
resource: people! One such company is my Client. Located in the CBD and
established in the mid-nineties, my Client is a leading Online Solutions
organisation providing consultation, development, technical integration and
design for the web. I am urgently seeking a strong Business Analyst to join
their medium sized team and begin work immediately on several ongoing Web
projects. Who you are and what you do:
- Held the position of Business Analyst for at least 3 ­ 5 years
- Ideally from a Digital Agency background
- Have excellent documentation skills
- Strong understanding of the pre-sales process
- Use Business Cases
- Very strong experience liaising with development teams and a strong
technical understanding
- Understanding of UML, Visio, MS Project
- Gutsy personality with the ability to adjust to all client situations!

What you get:
- A competitive salary
- A budget assigned to you yearly for ongoing training and education
- Tools of trade
- Solid company culture
- Talented team to learn from and collaborate with
- Opportunity to lead

Interested? You need to get on the phone to me as soon as possible as I am
interviewing now for this position. Don't hesitate ­ contact me on 03 8060
9280, 0416 739 570 or geor...@georgiecarpenter.com.

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me
know - r...@maxdesign.com.au


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