      This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me know - r...@maxdesign.com.au


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who click on the links below and find that they are broken):

Happy 15th Birthday Opera

Opera version history

HTML, XHTML, and WML support in Opera Presto 2.1.1

Coffee Theory

Facebook First Big Site To Really Embrace OpenID
<http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/04/27/facebook-first-big-site-to- really-embrace-openid/>

TravBuddy A Social Networking for Travelers
<http://www.socialnetworks10.com/travbuddy-a-social-networking-for- travelers>

Objects in JavaScript (part II)
<http://dmitry-baranovskiy.tumblr.com/post/100478853/objects-in- javascript-part-ii>

JavaScript for hackers - Opera Developer Community

Build Your Own Url Shortener For Free!

<http://ajaxian.com/archives/citedrag-cool-library-that-groks-the-new- drag-and-drop-model>

Internet Explorer 8.0: The One Month Review

Let your links look like links
<http://www.456bereastreet.com/archive/200904/ let_your_links_look_like_links/>

How To Use Help Elements To Improve Your Designs
<http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/04/23/help-elements-design- showcase/>

In Defense of Eye Candy

Real Fonts on the Web: An Interview with The Font Bureau's David Berlow

Link Velocity

Donation Usability: Increasing Online Giving to Non-Profits and Charities


Collapsing margins

Deconstructing Analysis Techniques
<http://johnnyholland.org/magazine/2009/04/deconstructing-analysis- techniques-pt-2-deconstruction/>


Future of Web Design London 2009
Date: 30-Apr-09 - 01-May-09
City: London (UK)
FOWD London is back for 2009! Join the industry's leading and most talented designers, developers and artists for some inspiration and practical advice. The goal of this show is to unite, inspire and equip web designers around the world. We want you to walk away from FOWD knowing that you're not alone in your battle to create beautiful, usable and accessible websites and apps.

JAOO OZ - Sydney
Date: 5-May-09 to 8-May-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
JAOO returns in May 2009 bringing some of the world's leading minds in IT and software development, trendsetting authors and industry researchers to Australia. JAOO is a premier international conference series focused on engaging the hearts and minds of the software development community. With over 13 years of experience, JAOO vision has been steadfast in creating conferences for developers by developers. As a result, our conferences are vendor neutral events that focus on what inspires, drives and educates the international development community.

Usability Fundamentals Training Course
Date: 4-May-09 – 5-May-09
City: Melbourne (Australia)
The training course uses interactive materials and examples to introduce key concepts of usability. Insight is provided to help you understand how to convert website visitors into paying customers, maximising income streams, minimise the likes of Call Centre costs, and help avoid common design mistakes.

Running in-house usability tests (Workshop)
Date: 5-May-09
City: Melbourne (Australia)
Empowering you and your staff to run usability tests is a cost effective approach at gathering valuable insights into your users’ behaviour. Usability Testing is a crucial activity to ensure you develop successful and usable interfaces. In this workshop you will learn what is involved to set up and run a usability testing project from start to finish.

JAOO OZ - Melbourne
Date: 11-May-09 to 14-May-09
City: Melbourne (Australia)
JAOO returns in May 2009 bringing some of the world's leading minds in IT and software development, trendsetting authors and industry researchers to Australia. JAOO is a premier international conference series focused on engaging the hearts and minds of the software development community. With over 13 years of experience, JAOO vision has been steadfast in creating conferences for developers by developers. As a result, our conferences are vendor neutral events that focus on what inspires, drives and educates the international development community.

Date: 12-May-09 - 13-May-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
Australia vs New Zealand, live at the CeBIT 09 conference in Sydney, 12-13 May. An Australian web team will take on the CodeBlacks from New Zealand to build a complete website in 24 hours. Two non-profit organisations will be selected to receive a complete website at the end of the 24 hours. Results will be announced at the WebForward conference at CeBIT, 13 May 2009.

May Brisbane WSG meeting
Date: 12-May-09
City: Brisbane (Australia)
Presentation 1: Ivan Herman - Introduction and Applications of Semantic Web Presentation 2: Michael(tm) Smith - HTML5, XHTML2: Learning from history about how to drive the future of the Web
Details to come

May Sydney WSG meeting
Date: 13-May-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
Presentation 1: Ivan Herman - Introduction and Applications of Semantic Web Presentation 2: Michael(tm) Smith - HTML5, XHTML2: Learning from history about how to drive the future of the Web
Proudly sponsored by UX Australia and the W3C

May Canberra WSG meeting
Date: 15-May-09
City: Canberra (Australia)
Presentation 1: Ivan Herman - Introduction and Applications of Semantic Web Presentation 2: Michael(tm) Smith - HTML5, XHTML2: Learning from history about how to drive the future of the Web
Proudly sponsored by UX Australia and the W3C

Max Design CSS and Accessibility workshop series - 2009
Dates: 18-May-09 and 19-May-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
A hands-on workshop with accessibility expert, Roger Hudson, and CSS expert,
Russ Weakley:
Day 1: A practical guide to preparing WCAG 2 compliant websites
Day 2: Mastering CSS and XHTML - building elegant websites

Dates: 20-May-09 and 22-May-09
City: Portland (USA)
Explore the future of Web design, user experience and business strategy at the Oregon Convention Center for three days of mind- melding on what's new in the digital world. Get a glimpse into the future, along with practical information that you can apply to your Web site, company and career.

Max Design CSS and Accessibility workshop series - 2009
Dates: 21-May-09 and 22 May-09
City: Canberra (Australia)
A hands-on workshop with accessibility expert, Roger Hudson, and CSS expert,
Russ Weakley:
Day 1: A practical guide to preparing WCAG 2 compliant websites
Day 2: Mastering CSS and XHTML - building elegant websites

WebDU: Like a Rock Concert for Geeks
Date: 21-May-09 to 22-May-09
City: Sydney, Australia
WebDU, is back for its 7th year with FIVE tracks including Team UX and Web Sessions. Split into two tracks, Web Sessions covers the new IE8, Javascript security, iPhone app development, Google Maps, Yahoo Pipes, Prototyping, RIA integration and more. Team UX features topics on design workflow, UI and form design, information architecture and usability.
Discount code available for WSG members
Tickets are $950 or $795 with the code: WSG09

Max Design CSS and Accessibility workshop series - 2009
Dates: 25-May-09 and 26 May-09
City: Melbourne (Australia)
A hands-on workshop with accessibility expert, Roger Hudson, and CSS expert,
Russ Weakley:
Day 1: A practical guide to preparing WCAG 2 compliant websites
Day 2: Mastering CSS and XHTML - building elegant websites

Max Design CSS and Accessibility workshop series - 2009
Dates: 28-May-09 and 29 May-09
City: Brisbane (Australia)
A hands-on workshop with accessibility expert, Roger Hudson, and CSS expert,
Russ Weakley:
Day 1: A practical guide to preparing WCAG 2 compliant websites
Day 2: Mastering CSS and XHTML - building elegant websites

UX London 2009
Date: 15-Jun-09 to 17-Jun-09
City: London, England
UX London is Britain's first major user experience conference, comprising two days of practical, hands-on workshops, and a day of inspirational speakers. We have some of the industry's best people on board, including Don Norman, Peter Merholz, Dan Saffer, LukeW and Jared Spool, so it's abound to be an amazing event!

Usability Fundamentals Training Course
Date: 18-Jun-09 – 19-Jun-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
The training course uses interactive materials and examples to introduce key concepts of usability. Insight is provided to help you understand how to convert website visitors into paying customers, maximising income streams, minimise the likes of Call Centre costs, and help avoid common design mistakes.

Running in-house usability tests (Workshop)
Date: 19-Jun-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
Empowering you and your staff to run usability tests is a cost effective approach at gathering valuable insights into your users’ behaviour. Usability Testing is a crucial activity to ensure you develop successful and usable interfaces. In this workshop you will learn what is involved to set up and run a usability testing project from start to finish.

Carson Workshops
The Whuffie Factor - Using the Power of Social Networks to Build Your
Business - Tara Hunt
Date: 22-June-09
City: London (UK)
Everyone knows about blogs and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. And they've heard about someone who has used them to grow a huge customer base. Everyone wants to be hands-on, grass roots and interactive. But what does this mean? And more to the point, how do you do it?

WE Believe In Community
Date: 20-Aug-09 - 21-Aug-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
A web conference for people working in government and the public sector. Brought to you by the Local Government Web Network. A full day conference with a mix of split streams and some awesome plenary sessions, and a second day of in-depth half day workshops - book these dates in your diary now if you work on, with, or immerse yourself in the web in the world of Government and the Public Sector.
Visit: http://conference09.lgwebnetwork.org

UX Australia 2009
Dates: 25-Aug-09 to 27-Aug-09
City: Canvberra (Australia)
UX Australia 2009 is Australia's premier user experience design conference, with inspiring and practical presentations, covering a range of topics about how to design great experiences for people.

Carson Workshops
Design Secrets of digg.com's User Interface - Daniel Burka
Date: 08-Sept-09
City: London (UK)
Web 2.0 is focused on user participation, so how can you promote interaction on your site? As designers and product people, our focus is on developing wonderful user experiences where people can come together to participate in meaningful and useful ways. With social sites, this is doubly critical as our sites are fundamentally powered by users interacting with one another. This workshop will focus on design strategies for lowering the barriers to participation, adapting to user behavior, promoting positive behaviors, managing scale, and creating intuitive user experiences.

Web Application Design Training Workshop
Date & city:
24th March – Melbourne (Australia)
7th April – Sydney (Australia)
5th May – Brisbane (Australia)
18th August – Adelaide (Australia)
20th Oct – Canberra (Australia)
Processes and interface design fundamentals for designing usable web applications - one day course. From internet banking, online learning, government transactional sites to employee phonebooks, online projects increasingly include elements of web application design. This course will explore the value and limitations of building a web application and introduce a range of tools, approaches and interface design principles to ensure that you understand your audience and design intuitive and usable web applications. Includes usability of Rich Internet Applications and AJAX.

WCAG 2.0 Training New Zealand
City: Wellington (New Zealand)
Thursday 7th May - WCAG v2.0 Priority 1 Checkpoints (Level A)
Thursday 14th May - WCAG v2.0 Priority 2 Checkpoints (Level AA)
Thursday 28th May - WCAG v2.0 Priority 3 Checkpoints (Level AAA)
Thursday 4th June - WCAG v2.0 Priority 1 Checkpoints (Level A)
Thursday 11th June - WCAG v2.0 Priority 2 Checkpoints (Level AA)
Thursday 18th June - WCAG v2.0 Priority 3 Checkpoints (Level AAA)
Version 2.0 of the New Zealand Government Web Standards was released in March. A major change is adoption of the W3C's WCAG 2.0 standards. Accessibility expert Bruce Aylward from W3A will run a series of training courses for web professionals on complying with the WCAG 2.0 standards at a training lab in Wellington. Each course covers one of the three WCAG 2.0 priority levels and are practical and hands-on. At the end of each course participants should be able to design for and determine compliance with the checkpoints of the relevant priority level of the WCAG 2.0.

Interaction Design Training Workshop
Date & city:
25th March – Melbourne (Australia)
8th April – Sydney (Australia)
6th May – Brisbane (Australia)
20th May – Perth (Australia)
19th August – Adelaide (Australia)
21st Oct – Canberra (Australia)
Human characteristics and theoretical principles for usable web applications, intranet and internet sites - one day course. Ever wonder why users don't behave how you expect? Ever done usability testing or found usability issues but didn't know how to fix them? This course will provide an insight into human characteristics and online behaviour based on latest research and hundreds of usability tests with users, including video footage of usability test sessions. We will also cover the theory and principles of interaction design.

Web Usability Training Course
Date & city:
10th March –Sydney (Australia)
1st April – Brisbane (Australia)
19th May – Perth (Australia)
16th June – Melbourne (Australia)
28th July – Adelaide (Australia)
1st Dec – Canberra (Australia)
Introduction to User Centred Design tools and techniques. As a result of attending this one day course, participants will have a good understanding of the value and importance of user centred design and have the basic skills, knowledge and tools to apply the user centred design approach to developing usable Internet sites, Intranet sites or web applications within their own organisation.

Usability Evaluation & Testing Training Workshop
Date & city:
11th March – Sydney (Australia)
2nd April – Brisbane (Australia)
21st May – Perth (Australia)
17th June – Melbourne (Australia)
29th July – Adelaide (Australia)
2nd Dec – Canberra (Australia)
Discount evaluation techniques and how to conduct usability tests. In this one day interactive workshop, learn valuable usability evaluation and testing methods that you can use to evaluate your organisation's Internet and Intranet site, web applications and software. This course will explore the difference between expert reviews and usability testing and which is better to use and when. We will cover when to usability test, what to test and how to test.


Job 1
Volunteer Drupal specialist
ANTaR is a small non-profit organisation committed to working for rights, justice and reconciliation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We are currently seeking a volunteer Drupal specialist who will be engaged to maintain the content management system behind ANTaR’s website (Drupal). Secondary to this, the volunteer will make periodical backups of the website. The volunteer will have the choice to determine his or her own working hours, although we would like the volunteer to be available for at least three hours each month for a period of at least 6 months. ANTaR will select a volunteer based on the following selection criteria: - solid experience in using Drupal for website administration, including updating versions and modules
- experience in backing up a database using MySQL / PHPMyAdmin
- a proactive approach to improving the ANTaR website (http:// antar.org.au)
- excellent attention to detail
- a strong commitment to Indigenous peoples' rights

For more information and details on how to apply, please see http:// antar.org.au/website_officer_drupal_specialist

Job 2
Creative Website Manager

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) is a Sydney-based statutory authority charged with reviewing commonwealth laws and related processes at the request of the Federal Attorney-General. The ALRC seeks a creative website manager to develop and manage a new dynamic website to enhance communications and improve access to ALRC activities. Responsibilities include: strategic development of the ALRC's website; content creation and editing; producing electronic newsletters and publications; managing online forums; and ensuring commonwealth government compliance. Essential experience includes: website management and publishing; using the web to consult, educate and inform stakeholders; understanding current web design principles, user interfaces and navigation tools; excellent written and editorial skills; and audiovisual content development for the web. The successful candidate will be offered a fixed term renewable contract of three years, with a salary between $70,258 and $79,997, plus superannuation and other benefits. Selection criteria and information available from www.alrc.gov.au or phone (02) 8238 6333. Applicants must provide a full CV and address the selection criteria. Applications close 5pm, Monday 18 May 2008. <http://www.alrc.gov.au/ work/positions/index.htm>

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me know - r...@maxdesign.com.au


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