Hey Andrew, hope to see you there. We'll be the bunch of goobers standing around the electric motorcycles. Just so you can tell us all apart: I'm the handsome one, Terry is the smart one, Doug has the orange bike, and my wife is the girl.

(Sorry to talk for you, Mike.)  Mike is getting his
bikes ready for the event.  And as far as I know Doug
is still on the list to be there.  I dont know if
Darin will be.

I thought it would be a quick swap from the six Hawkers to the four yellow tops and a little rewiring. Boy, was I wrong. The sub frame took some modification so that was cut/weld. Of course I measured improperly so it turn into a cut/grind/recut/reweld.

I've also integrated the OEM controls into the EV side of the bike some more.

Was hoping to have the lower fairing ready but I don't see that happening with just two days left.


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