Just a quick note on my dealings with SP1.


Clean installs for me, it's always just gone on with no problem. If the site
has anything in it bar a default team site or another standard template..
wham, a magnitude of errors.


I'm 0 for 2 attempts to install it on a instance with any substance due to
all these kind of "funky" and obscure errors. Such as that the process that
is running inside of STDADM is preventing the current one. Try running this
one again during the running of the config wizard???


However, last time I did get to step 9 or 9 before it bombed out on be.


Hopefully 3rd time is a charm!


Just a FYI thing / mini rant about SP1 :P 


Daniel Brown

Blog:  <http://www.danielbrown.id.au/> http://www.danielbrown.id.au

Mobile: 0419-804-099


Adelaide SharePoint User group




Brian H. Madsen
Sent: Saturday, 2 February 2008 12:59 AM
To: listserver@ozmoss.com
Subject: [OzMOSS] Sharepoint SP1 installation failure


Hey Guys,


I'm hoping somebody here can shed some light on a problem i'm facing.


I have a virtual environment (my development environment) which is a
self-contained domain/sql/sharepoint server + development tools - and i'm
trying to install Sharepoint SP1.


I install WSS 3.0 SP1, close the configuration manager, run the Sharepoint
SP1 installation and then the configuration manager (as has been advices all
over the interweb). Both installs just fine. But, the configuration manager
dies just after i've been informed that i have to run the update on all farm
servers etc. I click "OK" and then BANG - it fails.


The error is an IdentityNotMapped exception. I cannot, for the life of me
get this resolved. After this, naturally WSS and Sharepoint is dead. Cannot
roll it back so i have to bring up one of my virtual image backups (yes,
virtulisation does have its uses).


Does anybody have any ideas as to what is causing this? I've checked the
credentials for the SQL Server, the service accounts and the application
pools..everything is honky dorry.


I've tried to install this update 8-9 times so far - all have failed at
approximately the same place each time.





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