Hi all,


I've recently come across a SharePoint installation which appears to have
stuffed a bit of a botched Service Pack 1 installation.


When running SPSReport everything appears fine, however, this error does


The specified SPConfigurationDatabase Name=SharePoint_Config

eServiceInstance has been upgraded to a newer version of SharePoint. Please

ade this SharePoint application server before attempting to access this


No backup of the database  is available (grr!)


Sounds serious and times are not running at all.


My plan is to just blow away the configuration database and reattach the
content databases then reinstall the WSS & MOSS service packs.


However.... never actually performing this action before, I'm after some
information about the process of recreating the configuration database and
reattaching the content databases.


My understanding of this processes is....


.         Backup everything (databases and images of web & application

.         Remove/Delete existing configuration database

.         Run the SharePoint technology wizard, creating a new farm & CA

.         Create a new web application (same settings as previous site, i.e.
host header, port, etc)

.         Delete the newly created content database

.         Reattach the original content database.

.         Everything should work with the new databases as they did with the
old (however, no more errors)


Does anyone have any links to any white papers or sites, which outlines the
process of attaching a existing content database? Or if someone has gone
though this previously and has any advise, it is most welcome! Or is there
any "gotcha's" with it?





Daniel Brown

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au <http://www.danielbrown.id.au/> 

Mobile: 0419-804-099




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