Hi All,


I have been trying to figure out how to get the current view of a list
in the updating event handler but no luck. My problem is that I want to
know if the view is Standard or Grid and do different things depending
on the view. Something like this:


        /// <summary>

        /// Synchronous before event that occurs when an existing item
is changed, for example, when the user changes data in one or more

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="properties">

        /// A Microsoft.SharePoint.SPItemEventProperties object that
represents properties of the event handler.

        /// </param>

        public override void ItemUpdating(SPItemEventProperties


(string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)properties.AfterProperties["Person"]) ==


(string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)properties.AfterProperties["Return Date"])
== true)


== 0)


                        properties.AfterProperties["Book out"] = 0;




                        properties.AfterProperties["Book out"] = false;






        public string GetCurrentViewType(SPList List)


            foreach (SPView View in List.Views)


                // This does not work when the List is embedded in a

                if (View.Url.CompareTo(List.ParentWebUrl) == 0)


                    return View.Type;




            return "N/A";



I have tried to use the parameters.ItemList.ParentList object with the
GetView, Views and DefaultView properties but any of them return the
view used in the current context. Any help will be appreciated.





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